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談到音樂時,田納西州撼動靈魂的動感樂音可謂傳奇,包含藍調、藍草、鄉村樂、搖滾樂以及其他各種風格的音樂。在孟菲斯可以前往貓王故居雅園 (Graceland) 朝聖,或是沉醉在比爾街 (Beale Street) 的藍調酒吧之中。到納什維爾的萊曼大禮堂 (Ryman Auditorium) 欣賞現場音樂演出,或在大奧普裏 (The Grand Ole Opry) 隨著鄉村樂搖擺。造訪鄉村音樂的誕生地布里斯托,卡特家族 (Carter Family) 和吉米·羅傑斯 (Jimmie Rodgers) 都在此成名;參觀由校舍改建的蒂娜·透娜 (Tina Turner) 博物館,紀念這位出生於布朗斯維爾的田納西州女歌手。



深入認識阿帕拉契山區 (Appalachian mountain) 的文化、一睹令人歎為觀止的絕美紅葉,或探索無盡的登山步道和寧靜的瀑布。這些風光特色使得大煙山國家公園 (Great Smoky Mountains National Park) 成為美國造訪人數最多的自然瑰寶之地。除了這個著名的國家公園之外,追求刺激感的戶外冒險家可前往克里夫蘭的奧科伊河 (Ocoee River) 泛舟,到加特林堡抓著溜索從樹頂呼嘯而過,或在 56 個州立公園裡任選一處探險去。到了孟菲斯,千萬別錯過在壯闊的密西西比河 (Mississippi) 上乘船航遊的好機會。



大嗑孟菲斯的慢火烤肉和納什維爾熱辣香雞,讓田納西州在地風味滿足你的味蕾,再到林奇堡的傑克丹尼爾 (Jack Daniels) 用橡木桶釀造的陳年威士忌痛快乾杯。琳瑯滿目的美食節提供玉米麵包、比司吉,以及夾著軟 Q 棉花糖的美味餅乾 (MoonPie),通通都是精彩饗樂的主題。當然,還有豐富的烤肉料理可供品嚐,尤其不可錯過世界烤肉冠軍賽,這是可是全球公認最盛大的燒烤大賽呢!在諾克斯維爾、孟菲斯和納什維爾的幾十家精釀啤酒廠,開懷暢飲冰涼鮮啤,或者在田納西州威士忌路線 (Tennessee Whiskey Trail) 上的 30 家釀酒廠中任選其一,品味香醇順口的烈酒。





1956 年 12 月 4 日,孟菲斯的太陽錄音室 (Sun Studio) 中偶然出現了一次名為「百萬四重唱」的即興演出。表演者包括貓王 (Elvis Presley)、傑利·李·路易斯 (Jerry Lee Lewis)、卡爾·帕金斯 (Carl Perkins) 和強尼·凱許 (Johnny Cash)。




Carrie Underwood 在納什維爾的大奧普裏演出並與粉絲握手簽名




Beale Street in Memphis, Tennesssee, comes alive with live music and neon displays at night
Raphael Tenschert

Beale Street

Seven days a week, 365 days a year, Memphis’ Beale Street is filled with the sounds of live music coming from every open door. You might catch an impromptu street performance, glimpse a famous musician or hear the next big thing at any moment. Stroll the Brass Notes Walk of Fame, filled with 150 notable names in Memphis music from Robert Johnson and Ma Rainey to Justin Timberlake and B.B. King.


A statue of Jack Daniel at Jack Daniel's Distillery in Lynchburg, Tennessee
Journal Communications Inc.

Jack Daniel’s Distillery

Easily one of the most-recognized brands in the world, Jack Daniel’s Old No. 7 Whiskey was originally distilled in 1864 and became the first registered distillery in the USA two years later. A variety of tours of its Lynchburg facility are offered daily, including non-alcoholic history tours, quick tours and one combining a whiskey tasting with an excursion into Lynchburg’s town square for a meal at the 1908 Miss Mary Bobo’s Boarding House Restaurant.


Colorful displays at the Birthplace of Country Music Museum in Bristol, Tennessee
Journal Communications Inc./Jeff Adkins

Birthplace of Country Music Museum

When the U.S. Congress declares you the Birthplace of Country Music, you know it’s official. Straddling the border between Tennessee and Virginia, the town of Bristol is where music producer Ralph Peer recorded the earliest sounds of what would become the country music genre back in 1927. Even non-country music fans will enjoy the exhibits at this immersive museum.


Rollercoaster Big Bear Mountain flies high over Dollywood in Sevierville, Tennessee


Whether you’re a thrill-ride enthusiast or traveling with kids, you'll find something for everyone at Dollywood’s theme park. In addition to high-speed coasters and traditional fair-style rides, you can board a steam train, visit an aviary and catch a parade. There’s a neighboring water park for the summer months and family-friendly resort accommodations in Pigeon Forge and nearby Sevierville.


Viewing memorabilia at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum in Nashville, Tennessee
Donn Jones

Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum

This music collection, interactive exhibits, instruments, videos and country music memorabilia here are so comprehensive, this Nashville museum is called the “Smithsonian of country music.” Highlights include the hall of fame rotunda, Elvis Presley’s “Solid Gold” Cadillac, handwritten song lyrics, and clothing and costumes from mega stars such as Taylor Swift, Garth Brooks, Faith Hill and Loretta Lynn.


Interior of Graceland Mansion in Memphis, Tennessee
Zoe Rain

Elvis Presley's Graceland

The mansion and estate where Elvis Presley lived from 1957 until his death in 1977 is the second-most visited home in the country, second only to the White House, the home of the U.S. president in Washington, D.C. In addition to the mansion, you’ll tour Elvis’ career museum and auto museum, climb aboard his opulent airplanes and pay your respects at his gravesite in the meditation garden.


Exterior of historic Sun Studio in Memphis, Tennessee
Hunter Premo

Sun Studio

The Memphis studio where rock and roll was born is still in use today, nearly 70 years after its first recording. On your guided tour, you’ll see where legends old and new have recorded some of their most famous tunes – from Ike Turner, Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison and B.B. King, to Paul Simon, U2, Maroon 5 and Beck.


Johnny Cash throughout the decades exhibit at the Johnny Cash Museum in Nashville, Tennessee
Jarrett Gaza

Johnny Cash Museum

Everything you could possibly want to know about The Man in Black is housed here at the Johnny Cash Museum in Nashville. Instruments, clothing, hand-written notes and lyrics, album covers and informational exhibits cover all aspects of the country singer’s life. The museum is centrally located in downtown Nashville. 


Viewing interactive exhibits at the National Museum of African American Music in Nashville, Tennessee
Journal Communications Inc./Jeff Adkins

National Museum of African American Music

Experience the USA's musical roots at the National Museum of African American Music. Get to know musical heroes of the past and present through interactive exhibits that combine history and technology. Located in Nashville, this unique destination is the only museum dedicated to preserving and celebrating the legacies and accomplishments of African American musicians.

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