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New Mexico TRUE: Dark Skies
New Mexico TRUE: Dark Skies

高掛在鮮豔門前的風乾紅辣椒串、泥磚屋印第安村莊以及迷人的小屋:道地新墨西哥州風味無所不在。這裡本是岩石台地之鄉,野地洞窟和開裂的洞穴呈現出此地未受破壞的風貌,博物館和藝廊展示道地美國原住民文化。原住民部落慶典 (Gathering of Nations Pow Wow) 等活動以古老遺址與聚落為背景,讓文化門外漢認識古代典禮與儀式舞蹈。

新墨西哥州令人驚嘆的風景包括如畫的天空、如雪的沙堆,以及格蘭河 (Rio Grande) 的純藍色澤。本州有高聳巍峨的大山,也有深達 24 公尺的清澈碧藍水潭 - 藍洞 (Blue Hole)。洞穴和礦泉和其他雄偉壯麗的自然地景,讓新墨西哥州全年都可進行豐富活動,包括騎馬、滑水、健行或療癒溫泉浸浴。

陶斯、特魯斯或康西昆西斯等城鎮保留新墨西哥州的創意文化遺產。從綠松石珠寶和民間藝術到貝扣皮帶 (Concho belts) 以及陶器,與其說是購買紀念品,不如說是帶一件文化藝品回家。千萬別錯過炸香蕉配脆餅、松仁煎餅早餐,或是青辣椒漢堡等墨西哥風西南部美食佳餚。 

New Mexico TRUE: Dark Skies
New Mexico TRUE: Dark Skies




A New Mexico gardener tends to a wine grape-producing grapevine

Grapevines were smuggled into central New Mexico by Spanish settlers nearly 400 years ago, making New Mexico the oldest wine-growing region in the USA.

相片:Riley Russill

Hot air balloons take flight during the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque, New Mexico

The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is the largest hot air balloon festival in the world.




圖拉羅薩盆地 (Tularosa Basin) 這片 700 平方公里的石膏沙丘曠野是全世界最大的石膏質沙丘。最受歡迎的活動包括日光浴、滑沙和野餐等。


The Sandia Peak Aerial Tramway rises above Albuquerque, New Mexico

Sandia Peak Aerial Tramway

Take a breathtaking cruise on the longest cable tram in North America. On your ride to the top of the Sandia Mountains, you’ll admire panoramic views of the Rio Grande Valley. At the top, snap some photos and enjoy some light hiking. For an elevated dining experience, book a dinner reservation at TEN 3 – named for its location 10,300 feet (or 3,139 meters) above the city of Albuquerque below.

The House of Eternal Return at Meow Wolf in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Meow Wolf Santa Fe

Experiential art collective Meow Wolf has made a name for itself facilitating immersive installations across the USA – but the group’s first permanent exhibit is in Santa Fe. At the House of Eternal Return, all is not as it seems. Examine unexpected passageways and psychedelic multimedia art pieces to uncover the mysterious story of this seemingly ordinary “house.”

Inside New Mexico's Carlsbad Caverns




Touring Santa Fe Plaza in Santa Fe, New Mexico

Santa Fe Plaza

Founded by Spanish settlers in 1610, Santa Fe is the USA’s oldest capital city. Get immersed in this deep history with a stroll through the walkable downtown area to admire Pueblo Revival-style architecture and explore art and history museums. Be sure to take advantage of fine dining, plentiful shopping and boutique lodging while exploring Santa Fe Plaza.



在這片新墨西哥州瑰寶之地穿越時光隧道,參觀古普韋布洛人的岩畫、稱為地穴 (kivas) 的祭典儀式建築、曲折起伏的小路,以及種類繁多的野生動物。


Exploring Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument near Silver City, New Mexico
New Mexico True

Gila Cliff Dwellings National Monument

Journey into the Gila National Forest to visit this former site of the Mogollon people who built this site from a temporary shelter to a permanent home. Guided tours take you back in time to discover what life may have been like in these caves over 700 years ago.

Exterior of the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe, New Mexico


這位藝術家不僅以新墨西哥州為家,也從這片土地汲取她的創作靈感來源。在聖塔菲博物館欣賞歐姬芙 (O’Keeffe) 充滿力與美的創作,向北開車一小時車前往阿比丘可以參觀她的住家和工作室。


探索 新墨西哥州 的旅遊景點


探索 新墨西哥州 的旅遊景點