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奧勒岡州七大奇景 - 奧勒岡州旅遊
奧勒岡州七大奇景 - 奧勒岡州旅遊


探索奧勒岡州戶外生活的唯一煩惱就是活動多到一輩子玩享不盡。可以沿著崎嶇的海岸線,或是到林木茂密的威拉梅特國家森林公園 (Willamette National Forest) 健行。鄰近斯特恩斯山脈 (Steens Mountain) 的沙漠適合露營,探索冰雪覆蓋的「小瑞士」瓦洛厄山脈 (Wallowa Mountains) 也很有趣。不妨向 Cruise America 租輛休旅車,前往胡德山 (Mount Hood) 火山山腳,欣賞安普瓜國家森林公園 (Umpqua National Forest) 的原始美景,或是探訪德舒特國家森林公園 (Deschutes National Forest) 的山中湖。奧勒岡州州立公園提供美麗的野餐地點,也可租用圓頂帳篷、錐形帳篷、鄉村小屋和休旅車露營區。



奧勒岡州的餐飲職人總能帶領趨勢,開創潮流。除了手工啤酒、微型蒸餾廠以及 17 個酒區之外,也有手工海鹽、冰淇淋、乳酪及更多特色物產。喜愛奧勒岡風味的人可不只本地居民。紐約時報雜誌盛讚奧勒岡州為「日新月異的料理界烏托邦」。這裡的獲獎主廚、餐廳和農人經常現身在各種國內和國際出版物上,你也能親眼目睹這些料理達人的風采。別錯過 1 月的奧勒岡松露節 (Oregon Truffle Festival)、3 月的奧勒岡乳酪節 (Oregon Cheese Festival) 等美食年度活動,以及 9 月的世界級美食美酒慶典波特蘭美食節 (Feast Portland)。



不同於美國大多數的州,奧勒岡州不收取銷售稅。購買任何東西都能省下約百分之 5 至 10 的支出。你可在諾德斯特龍百貨公司 (Nordstrom)、梅西百貨 (Macy’s)、H&M 和 Apple 購買喜愛的品牌,或在奧勒岡州製造 (Made in Oregon) 店家購買本地的獨特產品與禮品。想要購買減價精品的購物者可以前往特代爾、伍德伯恩、濱海市、林肯市、本德和鳳凰城等地的暢貨中心,購買 Adidas、Coach、Nike 和 Gap 等品牌商品,省下不少花費。在波特蘭的珍珠區 (Pearl District)、諾布山(Nob Hill) 和霍桑 (Hawthorne),以及本德、胡德河以及海岸一帶城鎮,都可以發現獨樹一格的商品。



在奧勒岡州打高爾夫最困難的部分,是公立球場多達近 200 座,讓人不知道選哪間比較好。在俯瞰太平洋的綿延壯觀沙丘擊球,到陽光普照的酒鄉心臟地帶揮桿,或是陶醉在奧勒岡州中部 30 餘間高海拔沙漠球場的山間景致,都是最佳選擇。別錯過前往班頓沙丘高爾夫渡假村 (Bandon Dunes) 的好機會,這裡可是《高爾夫文摘》(Golf Digest) 和《高爾夫雜誌》(GOLF Magazine) 選出的第一名高爾夫渡假村;老虎伍茲連續贏得第三座美國業餘高爾夫錦標賽的南瓜山脊高爾夫俱樂部 (Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club) 同樣值得一訪。



歐洲人在奧勒岡州定居的時間還不到兩個世紀,美國原住民卻已在這個地區居住了幾千年。可以前往奧勒岡州的解說中心和博物館,瞭解原住民的過往與目前生活情況。在彭德爾頓的塔瑪茲麗喀特 (Tamástslikt) 文化中心裡,認識卡尤加 (Cayuse)、尤瑪蒂拉 (Umatilla) 和瓦拉 (Walla Walla) 等印第安部族。各種展覽和活動充分呈現這些部族的傳統歌謠、舞蹈、藝術、語言、服飾、宗教及食物。暖泉 (Warm Springs) 印第安聯合部落則在暖泉博物館分享自己的傳統文化。這個博物館是美國國內最頂尖的美國高原原住民工藝品收藏重鎮,也會舉辦部落成員的藝術、歷史與文化展演。

奧勒岡州七大奇景 - 奧勒岡州旅遊
奧勒岡州七大奇景 - 奧勒岡州旅遊


Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach, Oregon

The entirety of Oregon’s 584-kilometer coastline is open to the public, with dozens of state parks located along coastal U.S. Highway 101.

相片:Katie Falkeberg

Crater Lake National Park near Klamath Falls, Oregon

At 594 meters deep, Crater Lake, located in Crater Lake National Park, is the deepest lake in the USA.

相片:Alli Judd

Shopping in Portland, Oregon

The state of Oregon has no sales tax.

相片:Port of Portland




喀斯喀特山脈 (Cascade Mountains) 蒼翠古老的森林與山峰環繞著美國最深的湖泊,以及湖中的火山錐 - 巫師島 (Wizard Island)。這片美好風光是奧勒岡州七大奇景之一,可以進行徒步旅行、健行、越野滑雪或划船等活動。


Epic vista of the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon






佳能海灘 (Cannon Beach) 的深色岩石和鈷藍水色和野鹿生活其間的濃綠森林相互輝映,展現太平洋海岸最具特色的風光。造訪自然地標草垛岩 (Haystack Rock)、徜徉艾克拉州立公園 (Ecola State Park),或是在藝術村莊社區裡流連,然後並停在某間精釀啤酒館喝上一杯。


View of Portland, Oregon, from Washington Park


波特蘭的這座歷史公園將當地令人驚艷的自然風光帶進城市,設有遊樂場、射箭場、植物園以及不可錯過的國際玫瑰試驗園 (International Rose Test Garden)。


Camping under the stars at Prineville State Park near Prineville, Oregon
Joey Hamilton

Prineville Reservoir State Park

In 2021, this gem became Oregon’s first state park to earn certification as an International Dark Sky Park, one of fewer than 200 such places in the world. Pull up your RV or pitch a tent and join ranger-led guided stargazing tours during the summer months. Spend your days fishing, paddling and hiking along the scenic shoreline.

Exploring Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area near North Bend, Oregon, on a dune buggy

Oregon Dunes Natural Recreation Area

Enjoy the largest concentration of sand dunes in the country entirely at your own pace – via dune buggy, sand board, a hike or even a paddling excursion on tranquil waterways. Towering 152 meters in the air, these otherworldly sand hills inspired Frank Herbert to write his classic science fiction novel “Dune.”

Waterfall views along the Rogue-Umpqua Scenic Byway in Southern Oregon

Rogue-Umpqua Scenic Byway

Two of Oregon’s nationally designated Wild and Scenic rivers line this 277-kilometer route, an incredible journey through the southern Cascade Mountains. Take a leisurely drive along the byway to encounter more than 15 gorgeous cascades that lead to sparkling mountain lakes, along with stunning views of white-water rapids, deep gorges and more.

Paulina Peak in the Newberry National Volcanic Monument near Bend, Oregon
Dylan VanWeelden

Newberry National Volcanic Monument

Located in the high desert of Central Oregon, Newberry Crater's expansive caldera contains East Lake, Paulina Lake, Paulina Falls and the largest obsidian lava flow in the USA. Climb a 7,000-year-old cinder cone for unique views of the Cascade Mountains, including Mt. Bachelor, Broken Top and the Three Sisters. Experience waterfalls, lava flows, peaks, lakes and immersive hiking trails.

Exhibits on Indigenous heritage at the Tamastlikt Cultural Institute in Pendleton, Oregon
Joni Kabana

Tamastlikt Cultural Institute

This heritage center in Pendleton preserves and honors the traditions of the Indigenous Cayuse, Umatilla, and Walla Walla people. Tour the museum’s permanent and special exhibits, have lunch at the café and peruse the gift shop for local art, handmade crafts and Pendleton woolen blankets. While in the area, explore the Umatilla-owned Wildhorse Resort & Casino, which boasts a movie theater, a golf course, two hotels and more.

Antelope graze at Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge in Plush, Oregon
Joey Hamilton

Hart Mountain Antelope Refuge

Experience the biodiversity of the Oregon Outback at one of the most expansive wildlife habitats in the Western USA. This incredible refuge is home to more than 300 species of wildlife including pronghorn antelope, California bighorn sheep, mule deer, bobcats and more. You can camp, enjoy natural hot springs, paddle at the Warner Wetlands and dig for sunstones, Oregon’s state gem.

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探索 奧勒岡州 的旅遊景點