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空中俯瞰帕盧斯瀑布 - 4K

空中俯瞰帕盧斯瀑布 - 4K

西雅圖是前往太平洋西北區的門戶,令人驚嘆的山脈居高臨下,俯瞰蒼鬱的雨林和壯麗的海岸線。在雷尼爾山國家公園 (Mount Rainier National Park) 和奧林匹克國家公園 (Olympic National Park) 和自然來場美好邂逅,離岸不遠的聖胡安群島也有同樣動人的天然勝景。

本區也是廣受歡迎的音樂勝地,在 1990 年代另類搖滾與油漬搖滾出現後更是如此。此間的音樂風貌從數十年前即茁壯發展,今日仍繼續蓬勃興盛。造訪音樂體驗計畫 (Experience Music Project) 博物館見證歷史。

「暮光之城」系列的粉絲一定會希望造訪福克斯小鎮,親睹作者史蒂芬妮·梅爾 (Stephenie Meyer) 小說中的故事場景所在。國際玻璃藝術家戴爾・奇胡利 (Dale Chihuly) 的作品為眾多景點增色生輝,例如塔科馬的玻璃博物館 (Museum of Glass) 以及西雅圖的奇胡利玻璃藝術園 (Chihuly Garden and Glass)。

遊客在這裡絕對不乏美食佳飲。此地共有 13 個產區,超過 900 個酒莊,培育 40 多個葡萄品種。星巴克於 1971 年在西雅圖開設第一間店面,加上其他獨立咖啡店,造就市內每 1000 人 2.5 間咖啡店的全美最高密度。豐饒的海濱水路以及富庶的本州農產為此地開創蓬勃的美食風貌,也讓觀光客有機會與專精於本地食材產銷採購的農夫、職人及主廚互動。

空中俯瞰帕盧斯瀑布 - 4K

空中俯瞰帕盧斯瀑布 - 4K


造訪這座 184 公尺飛碟形高塔的旅客,可以欣賞 360 度的西雅圖景色。在天空城旋轉餐廳 (SkyCity Restaurant) 訂位,眺望喀斯喀特 (Cascade) 和奧林匹克 (Olympic) 山脈。


造訪這座 184 公尺飛碟形高塔的旅客,可以欣賞 360 度的西雅圖景色。在天空城旋轉餐廳 (SkyCity Restaurant) 訂位,眺望喀斯喀特 (Cascade) 和奧林匹克 (Olympic) 山脈。


冰封的火山山頂高度為海拔 4,392 公尺,但在前往頂峰的路上,可以探索六條河流、豐富的野生生態以及野花盛開的草原。上一次火山噴發是 150 年前。


冰封的火山山頂高度為海拔 4,392 公尺,但在前往頂峰的路上,可以探索六條河流、豐富的野生生態以及野花盛開的草原。上一次火山噴發是 150 年前。


A scenic drive down the Olympic Peninsula's Pacific Coast Scenic Byway in Washington
Olympic Peninsula Visitor Bureau

Olympic Peninsula

Incredible vistas abound on the Olympic Peninsula, from the moody rainforests of Olympic National Park to the rocky beaches of Cape Flattery, the northernmost point of the continental USA. Luckily, it’s easy to see them all: Just hop on the Olympic Peninsula Loop drive, a stretch of the Pacific Coast Scenic Byway that connects nearly 500 kilometers of the area’s cozy towns and coastal wonders.

Exploring Lime Kiln Point State Park in Friday Harbor, Washington

Lime Kiln State Park

A short ferry ride from Seattle whisks you away to an enchantingly beautiful archipelago. Set on a rocky cliff on the west coast of San Juan Island, Lime Kiln State Park offers incredible views of the Olympic Mountains as well as some of the best whale watching in the USA. These majestic creatures hold deep significance to the Indigenous Coast Salish peoples who have historically called the area home: Celebrate their traditions at museums and cultural centers around the island.

Vineyard views at Freehand Cellars in Yakima, Washington

Washington Wine Country

The state’s first American Viticultural Area (or AVA) was established in Yakima Valley in 1983. Today, the combined Yakima Valley, Tri-Cities and Walla Walla Valley regions keep the tradition alive with over 240 wineries in 20 designated AVAs. Visit Washington’s vineyards and wineries to meet the artisans crafting award-winning blends and learn how the area’s distinctive terroir nurtures a bountiful grape crop.

Washington's official waterfall in Palouse Falls State Park

Palouse Falls

The highlight of a visit to Palouse Falls State Park is viewing the state’s official waterfall from several hiking trails. Go at sunset to watch the light and shadows change along the canyon walls.
